Brain Drain Paragraph
Brain drain refers to a situation where the majority of intelligent leave the area because of various factors including a lack of high-paying jobs. Every year thousands of skilled professionals leave Bangladesh and stay abroad. There are many reasons behind brain drain. The first and foremost reason is the lack of scope for higher education. As many brilliant students cannot get opportunities to receive higher education in our country, they are compelled to seek admission to foreign universities and colleges. Another reason is the widespread unemployment in our country. The excess of skilled professionals in Bangladesh has a few. The lack of research facilities in Bangladesh is also one of the causes of the Brain Drain in the country. Scientists and other research professionals need sophisticated equipment to carry on their research-related work. High ambition is another cause of brain drain. For this reason, the country faces a negative impact on its education sector. And the country is deprived of better services from her brilliant children. In order to stop this brain drain, the government should establish more universities and colleges along with international standard facilities in our country. After all, the students should be more dutiful to the country.