Coronavirus Paragraph Or Covid – 19 Paragraph Or Stay safe Stay well Paragraph
An invisible virus has made the rhythmic life of the world rhythmless. Due to the invisible enemy called coronavirus, people have become house prisoners. The whole world is counting the days in fear, panic, and expectation to return to normal life. The first outbreak of the coronavirus occurred on December 31, 2019, in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and the first death occurred in Wuhan on January 11, 2020. The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, The rhythm of normal life falls, the whole world is stunned. In today’s world of modern knowledge, people are beginning to get acquainted with the term horrible covid 19 or coronavirus. Research continues to show how the virus first spread. The virus is thought to have entered the human body, especially from bats or wild animals. It is thought that the onset of the disease may have been caused by another person being infected by the same person later. Initially, patients infected with the virus thought they had pneumonia because the patient had a fever, but later, considering the genetic characteristics of the disease, scientists identified it as a new coronavirus. Another name for coronavirus is covid-19. CO means corona, VI means a virus, D is a disease, the virus spread in 2019 so it was named covid-19. It is basically a virus of the RNA genus. Coronavirus is transmitted through a cold or flu. The World Health Organization has issued a number of guidelines for coronavirus infection. The virus is transmitted to infected people through sneezing and coughing. The virus is transmitted when the smallest particle of an infected person’s sneeze-cough floats in the air and enters the body of a healthy person through inhalation. Depending on the physical condition, the symptoms appear within a maximum of 14 days or in some cases a little longer. The flu virus alone cannot be considered a coronary patient if it has a cold or fever. Other symptoms may include fever, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, bad taste, bad breath, body aches, fatigue, or exhaustion. It seems that pneumonia can be caused by an infection in the lungs, if there is any other complex disease in the body, it can also take a more complex form.There is no evidence that the coronavirus spreads through water. Especially groundwater is safe enough. The coronavirus does not even spread through raw vegetables or fruits on the market. Coronavirus is a highly virulent virus that can start infecting the human respiratory tract through the nose, mouth, and eyes or after entering the body. Paracetamol is initially given to patients with the disease. However, a drug called Remedifivor is currently being used in severely infected patients. Plasma therapy is being given as well. The COVAX facility is collaborating with COVID 19 testing, medical, global collaboration, and vaccine discovery around the world. Many countries, including China, India, Russia, Australia, Brazil, England, Canada, and the United States, are constantly trying to find a cure. Russia has already approved a vaccine called “Sputnik-Five” invented by the Gamalia Institute, the first to be administered to the daughter of the Russian president, and the country’s top officials have claimed in the media that it has been successful. Among the studies discussed are vaccines from Oxford University, vaccines from a private Synovoc company in China, and Morgana vaccines in the United States. Globe Biotech’s three innovations D-614 variant mRNA, DNA plasmid, and adenovirus type-5 vector have been listed by the World Health Organization which is giving new hope to the people of Bangladesh. Initiatives to inoculate 272 coronavirus vaccines around the world for the discovery of the vaccine have taken place around the world, of which 186 have gone through innovation stages, 86 are in various stages of testing in the human body. There are already seven effective vaccines that have started to be applied in different countries of the world. China’s Synofamer vaccine is 86% effective, China’s Synovac vaccine is 79% effective, Russian-made Sputnik-V 91.6% effective, Pfizer-Biotech vaccine is 91.3% effective, Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is 66.9% effective, Astazenecar vaccine is 76% effective. And the Mardana vaccine is 90% effective (data source – World Health Organization and New York Times). The second wave of the corona has plunged the world into a new panic. The number affected in India is now more than 240,000. The number is increasing in an unimaginable way every day. Corona’s influence is not diminishing in many countries of the world including Bangladesh, Pakistan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa. The United States, India, Brazil, France, and Russia are in the top five in the world. In South Asia, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have more corona patients. w.h.o. According to the instructions, no one can go out of the house without a mask. Try to avoid public transport, use hand sanitizer repeatedly while outdoors. They have to keep their habitat clean and tidy. We need to adhere to proper hygiene. We need to use personal protective equipment (PPE), hand gloves, face shields, masks, hair coverings, and shoes if we want to get out of the house. Wear clothes from outside and soak them in soapy water in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes. Hands should be washed with soapy water for at least 20 seconds and bathed. People staying at home will clean their hands every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. Tissue or cloth should be used during sneezing and coughing and used tissue or cloth should be discarded. Some foods need to be omitted as well as nutritious food during the coronal period. Vitamins, minerals, and protein foods are needed to increase the body’s resistance to disease, so fresh fruits, green vegetables, rice, and flour foods, Amalaki vitamin C foods are very important. You have to drink hot tea 1 to 2 times. You have to eat meat, milk, and eggs obtained from the animal body. Iodized salt should be taken. Excess salt should not be taken in any way. Besides, sugary foods should be avoided. Alcohol and smoking should be stopped permanently as these substances reduce the body’s resistance to disease. Many people think that alcohol can kill coronavirus but this is a completely baseless thought. Exercise every day. Since we can’t go out of the house, we have to exercise at least 30 minutes every day indoors, on the roof, in our yard. Swimming is a very effective means of physical exercise. If possible, swim ten to fifteen minutes every day.Coronavirus has disrupted normal life, people have been placed under house arrest, the business has been shut down, many owners have lost their capital and become helpless, many have lost their jobs and are living inhumane lives. According to the World Trade Organization, worldwide imports and exports have fallen by about 32 percent this year. Coronavirus Transition from and restructuring the economic trend of the subsequent period. Awareness is victory, not fear. We have to live our lives in the present by embracing this reality. People all over the world are waiting for a useful and effective antidote to prevent the spread of coronavirus. People have to follow hygiene rules until the vaccine is discovered. We have to keep our morale intact and adapt to the new environment and try to overcome the crisis. The whole world must fight together against this invisible enemy. The world will regain its glory, human life will become active, the air of peace will flow in human society, this is the only wish of the world today.
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